Extensive experience with treatment of chronic cases. Cases treated include Endometriosis, Diabetes mellitus, kikuchis lymhadenitis , hypothyroidism,dsypepsia ,Warts, Copd with right ventricular failure, copds ,recurrent Upper respiratory tract infection ,asthmatic bronchitis,asthma, psoriasis, lichen planus, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, urticaria, stye,polycystic ovarian disease ,sjogrens syndrome, gastric ulcer , migraine, renal calculi, allergic rhinitis, infertility due to antisperm antibody ,anxiety disorders, depression/ bipolar disorders,eczema,alopecia/ hairloss,recurrent apthous stomatitis, adenoids , varicose veins , bullous pemphigus , uterine fibroids, acne, dysfunctional uterine bleeding , post paraplegia disorders etc
1] Mrs. S, a female, aged 27 years had a complaint of infertility. Married since 2001. Antispermatic antibody detected in 2002. Began treatment in 2005. She was treated with Phosphorus till August 2007. Thereafter treatment was stopped. Patient conceived naturally and delivered a baby girl in 2009. ASA levels: Sept. 2002 – 38.9 U/ml 28/8/07 -- ASA was equivocal -- 1.33 1 to 14 , positive above 1.4 ]
2] Miss SK, a 12-year old girl was diagnosed with Kikuchi's lymphadenitis in July2009. Biopsy report done June 2009 from left upper cervical LN --2 LN, largest being 1.0x 0.8 x 0.3cm, showed necrotising lymphadenitis of kikuchi of fugimoto type. Commenced treatment in Feb. 2010 with calc sulph. Sept 2010 showed relapse, followed by relapse in July 2011. Thereafter no relapses till now.
3] Mrs. PK, aged 42 was diagnosed with endometriotic cyst in 2008. Was under allopathic treatment till then. Homoeopathic treatment began in Jan. 2009. May 2009 --- USG findings still suggestive of endometriosis and complaints of menorrhagia. Repeat USG done while continuing medicines showed reduction of cyst size and internal echoes with some traces of bilateral endometriosis and chocolate ovarian cysts still remaining. Oct. 2011--- USG showed no endometriosis. Patient reported feeling alright and discontinued treatment since march 2012.
4] Mrs IS aged 52 yrs under treatment for RA since 200. She had increased RA factor, C- Reactive protein and raised ESR,,affliction more of knee joints and metacarpal joints as compared to other joints.Was on pain killers and anti rheumatoid drugs.Was also seeing an orthopaedic physician at the same time. She was treated with calcarea carb along with biochemic drug calcarea fluor 12X till 2013.The dose of anti rheumatoid drugs were gradually reduced and pain killers stopped. Currently doing well on very infrequent doses of calcarea carb only on complaints of pain and stiffness .
5] Mrs SM aged 42 yrs had complaints of regular headache, was diagnosed with migraine since 2005.She was treated with Argentum Nitricum, frequency of headaches gradually reduced followed by intensity. Last episode of headache noted in March – April 2014 which was very mild. Currently off medcations.
6] Mst RM aged 8yrs was diagnosed with lichen planus with lesions on lower extremities, dorsal surface of forearms, mouth and anus, was treated with Calcarea carbonicum for 2yrs, since 2013 – 2014 lesions completely settled with no relapse at all.
7] Mrs SM f/43 yrs diagnosed with osteoarthritis, in october 2016 more in the left knee joint as compared to the right knee, advised pain killers and knee replacement.Started homoeopathy in nov 2016, .In a span of 4-6 months recovered well with Magnesium mur . Today she is off homoeopathic medicnes and is currently only on phsiotherapy and supplements.
8] Mrs SR F/ 71yrs diagnosed with anxiety attacks with depression in NOV 2016, was advised anxiolytic medicines but she preferred to switch to homoeopathy. Treatment commenced immediately after diagnosis .For acute conditions/ panic attacks was prescribed Aconite along with Natrum Carbonicum as her constitutional along with bach flower remedies. Today there are no panic attacks, has regained her self confidence and is out of depression. Currently doing well on counselling sessions and mild support of homoeopathic medicines.
9] Mrs VA F/ yrs diagnosed with alopecia in Aug 2016. Was treated with homoeopathy abd supplements. Currently hair loss is stopped and is maintained on homoeopathy.
10] Mrs VB , F/ 44 yrs , diagnosed with Irritable Bowel syndrome, was on and off antibiotics for a long time and had got fed up due tocomplaints. Started Homoeopathy in march 2017. Took treatment for 2 months, IBS got controlled within 2-3 months and today leads a fairly comfortable life.